Who makes Wayuu bags known as a Mochilas?

Who makes Wayuu Mochilas? Discover everything about its origin and production


Wayuu Lady Sitting on a Bench Weaving a Mochila

Wayuu bags or known as Mochilas are made by the women of the Wayuu indigenous tribes. You’ve probably wondered who is responsible for making these beautiful handcrafted pieces in more detail. In this article, we will reveal everything you need to know about its origin and production.

The origin of Wayuu bags known as Mochilas

Wayuu bags are a cultural treasure from the Wayuu ethnic group, an indigenous community located in the La Guajira region, in Colombia and Venezuela. These Mochilas are hand-woven by Wayuu women, who have transmitted this ancestral tradition from generation to generation.

Wayuu bags are not only a fashion accessory, but also a manifestation of the identity and history of this indigenous people. Each design and pattern used on the Mochilas tells a story and reflects the worldview of the Wayuu community.

The manufacturing process

Making Wayuu Mochilas is a meticulous process that requires skill and patience. First, the wild cotton or wool threads and wild fibers that will be used in the creation of the bags are carefully selected. They are then woven by hand using a technique called “susu”, which consists of spiral weaving.

Wayuu women use a crochet needle to weave the threads and create the intricate geometric designs that characterize Wayuu Mochilas. Each handbag can take weeks or even months to complete, depending on its size and complexity.

In addition to weaving, Wayuu women also add details and decorations to Mochilas. These details can include tassels, pompoms and geometric figures that represent elements of nature and Wayuu culture.

Here you can find these outstanding products directly brought La Guajira Colombia to your hands: Wayuubags.co.uk

Where and when are Wayuu Mochilas made?

Wayuu Mochilas are mainly manufactured in the Wayuu communities of La Guajira, both in Colombia and Venezuela. These communities are located in rural areas, where Wayuu women have access to the necessary materials and can dedicate themselves fully to the manufacture of handbags.

Regarding the time of manufacture, Wayuu bags are produced throughout the year. However, it is common to find a greater number of Mochilas, bags, Pom Pom bags, purses, handbags, etc.. available during the summer months, when many people look for colorful and unique accessories to complement their seasonal outfits.

Who Makes Wayuu Bags Known as a Mochila?

As we mentioned before, Wayuu bags known as a Mochilas are made by women of the Wayuu community. These women have perfected their weaving technique over the years and are the true artists behind these beautiful creations. The Wayuu community is organized in a Matriarchal manner, meaning that women are in charge of the community.

The manufacture of Wayuu handbag is not only a source of income for these women, but also a way to preserve their culture and traditions. By purchasing a Wayuu Mochila, you are directly supporting these indigenous communities and contributing to their sustainable development.

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